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No. Title Location Pic.
1904 IRM-AT Infrared Methane Sensor Thermopile Detector (325 hits) 6 years ago China trade
IRM-AT Infrared Methane Sensor Thermopile Detector [b]IRM-AT Infrared Methane Sensor (CH4 Sensor) Description[/b] Alphasense CO2 and Methane infrared sensors are supplied in the industry standard miniature (20mm diameter) gas ...
1905 FS7002-B/FS7002-C MEMS Mass Flow/Clog Sensors (621 hits) 6 years ago China trade
FS7002-B/FS7002-C MEMS Mass Flow/Clog Sensors [b]FS7002 Series MEMS Mass Flow Sensors Description[/b] FS7002 series mass Flow sensors can be used for open air space flow measurement or applied for clog sensing in an open ...
1906 MB1210 XL-MaxSonar-EZ1 High Performance Ultrasonic Sensor (563 hits) 6 years ago China trade
MB1210 XL-MaxSonar-EZ1 High Performance Ultrasonic Sensor MB1210 XL-MaxSonar-EZ1 High Performance Ultrasonic Rangefinder [b]MB1210 XL-MaxSonar-EZ1 Ultrasonic Rangefinder Product Description[/b] The XL-MaxSonar-EZ1 offers a lower ...
1907 SO2-AE High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide Sensor (SO2 Sensor) (556 hits) 6 years ago China trade
SO2-AE High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide Sensor (SO2 Sensor) [b]SO2-AE Sulfur Dioxide Sensor SO2 Sensor Description[/b] Alphasense Sulfur Dioxide gas sensors operate using proven fuel cell technology. SO2-AE Sulfur Dioxide Sensor ...
1908 3SP_H2S_50 P 15x15 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor 50 ppm (305 hits) 6 years ago China trade
3SP_H2S_50 P 15x15 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor 50 ppm [b]3SP_H2S_50 P[/b] 15x15 H2S Sensor 50 ppm Package 110-303 [b]3SP_H2S_50 P Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor H2S Sensor Description[/b] SPEC is printed sensors offer the performance ...
1909 Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving(rubber inside fiber out (522 hits) 6 years ago China No
Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving(inside rubber outside fiber),is ectruded into tubes from silicone rubber,coated with braided fiberglass and then painted with silicone through ...
1910 Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving (536 hits) 6 years ago China No
Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving(inside fiber outside rubber),woven as sleeving by non-alkali fiberglass and coated with silicone rubber in high temperature.It has excellent ...
1911 Silicone fiberglass sleeving (518 hits) 6 years ago China No
Silicone fiberglass sleeving is braided into tubes with non-alkali fiberglass, and then painted with silicone through high temperature. It has such features as excellent ...
1912 TOCON_GaP4 GaP Detector with Integrated Amplifier (576 hits) 6 years ago China trade
TOCON_GaP4 GaP Detector with Integrated Amplifier [b]TOCON-GaP4[/b] GaP detector with integrated amplifier [b]Properties of the GaP Detector TOCON-GaP4[/b] • GaP detector for irradiation measurement in TO5 housing with ...
1913 P611 Handheld Particle Counter (611 hits) 6 years ago China trade
P611 Handheld Particle Counter [b]Handheld Particle Counter[/b] [b]Model[/b] P611 The P611 handheld particle counter measures 0.3 µm to 10.0 µm with a flow rate of 0.1 CFM (2.83 LPM). Only 1.26 lb ...
1914 NO-B1 Nitric Oxide Sensor (NO Sensor) (537 hits) 6 years ago China trade
NO-B1 Nitric Oxide Sensor (NO Sensor) [b]NO-B1 Nitric Oxide Sensor (NO Sensor) Description[/b] Alphasense Nitric Oxide gas sensors operate using proven fuel cell technology. NO-B1 Nitric Oxide Sensor size: 32mm ...

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